School Counselor
Iris Calhoun
School counselors help students build bright futures.
The Elementary School Guidance Program is based on the South Carolina Comprehensive Developmental Counseling and Guidance State Model. Comprehensive and developmental means that it serves all students and provides learning opportunities that are individual and grade-appropriate. This model has four program components that include:
Guidance Curriculum thatincludes guidance content in a systematic way to all students through classroom and group activities. The three areas of development are Personal/Social (Learning to Live), Academic (Learning to Learn), and Career (Learning to Work).
Individual Planning assists student in monitoring and understanding their development for next step decisions.
Responsive Services addresses the immediate needs and concerns of students. Responsive services includes personal counseling; crisis counseling; agency referral; consultation with parents, teachers, and other professionals; support groups; and problem solving.
System Support includes program and staff support activities and services.
The Philosophy And Rationale of our program is based on the following beliefs:
• All children are unique and should be respected with dignity.
• Every student can succeed at high levels.
• Learning is a lifelong process.
• Fostering a positive self-image is the collaborative effort of the school, home and community leading to responsible and productive citizenship.
• Through guidance programs, the needs and diversity of all students are addressed at all educational levels.
• Every student needs appropriate personal and social skills to achieve optimum benefits from the educational program.
• Comprehensive guidance counseling is a developmentally appropriate program rather than support services.
• The guidance program is an integral part of the overall educational program and serves as a critical link to the instructional program and the community.
Each school in the district K-12 is staffed by at least one fully certified school counselor. Email Ms. Calhoun with your questions or concerns, or call 843-689-0415.